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Magical Mala

Ermine Snow Mala, Magical Mala, 108 Handmade Mala, Moonstone, Vibe Glass, Howlite, Clear Quartz, Lava Stone, Tourmalated quartz

Ermine Snow Mala, Magical Mala, 108 Handmade Mala, Moonstone, Vibe Glass, Howlite, Clear Quartz, Lava Stone, Tourmalated quartz

Regular price $77.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $77.00 USD
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Ermine Snow Mala by Magical Mala

Affirmation: I am filled with clear white light energy and I embody cheerful and joyful feelings.

21" Long, 108 Magical Mala, Beaded Tassel

Gemstones: Moonstone, Vibe Glass, Howlite, Clear Quartz, Lava Stone, Tourmalated quartz

Each Magical Mala is blessed with white sage and under a full moon

Hop through the transcendent allure of the 108 Handmade Mala, adorned with the celestial energies of Moonstone, Vibe Glass, Howlite, Clear Quartz, Lava Stone, and Tourmalated Quartz. Each luminescent bead resonates with the enigmatic whispers of the cosmos, weaving a tapestry of intention and transcendence. Moonstone, the lunar oracle, evokes mystical intuition, while Vibe Glass, the ethereal weaver, hums with universal vibrations. Howlite, the serene guardian, bestows inner peace, Clear Quartz, the crystalline seer, illuminates clarity, Lava Stone, the earth's ember, kindles primal energy, and Tourmalated Quartz, the cosmic harmonizer, merges light and shadow. Together, they form a celestial symphony, inviting seekers to embark on a transformative odyssey, where the boundaries of the mundane dissolve, and the seeker becomes one with the mystical dance of the universe.

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